Product & Startup Builder

The case for data

Added on by Chris Saad.

Those who follow me closely know that I am a big advocate for intuition and step-function change in product development - particularly at the start when you're building early momentum and Product Market Fit.

But this is a regular reminder to pay attention to the data.

If you have good momentum and some level of throughput through your product, you don't have to really guess about what to work on next.

Ask yourself, "What is the number 1 reason why more people are not more successful more often with my product?"

Number 1. Not 2 or 3 or 4.

Typically the best way to answer that question is by great product telemetry and funnel analysis.

Map out the ideal pathway(s) through your product, find the biggest drop-offs, develop some hypotheses about reducing the drop-off, and start testing!

If you don't take the time to do this, you'll forever be shipping "great" new features but never polishing the surface area you already have. By definition, this is suboptimal, wasteful, and a misuse of time and resources.

Everything, everywhere all at once

Added on by Chris Saad.

Reminder for non-product founders, ceos, sales people and investors:

R&D can’t do everything all at once.

You must give your product and engineering team time to execute in iterations.

If you insist on having everything all at once you are literally falling agile, iterative product development 101 and, in the process, thrashing everything and everyone.

Do you have the right number of people to get the job done?

Added on by Chris Saad.

When building your scaleup, it's easy to underestimate the number and diversity of people you need in org.

Each major division and product area needs its own squad with clear missions and a cross-functional mix of people to get the job done.

In my work, I see many scaleups experiencing a great deal of pain and dysfunction due to the leadership team underestimating the cost and complexity of all the "businesses" and "initiatives" they create.

Many of these efforts are, at best, unfunded mandates or, at worst, the result of a distinct lack of strategy and making hard choices.

Are employees like children?

Added on by Chris Saad.

When applying for a school for my 18 month old son, they asked "What expectations do you have for him once he graduates?" we wrote...

Our hope for Noah, once he graduates are the same as our hopes for him every day of his life.

That we can give him…

1. Enough freedom to imagine great things for himself and others

2. Enough discipline to have grit, determination, respect, and honor

3. Enough context to make informed decisions

4. Enough reasoning to perform good actions

5. Enough tools to positively affect the world based on his vision

6. Enough balance and perspective to know how to be in the moment and find contentment

Beyond that - we have no expectations to place on his shoulders other than those he would have for himself.

It occurrs to me that this is a good way to manage people in your company, too

Data can't tell you that you suck

Added on by Chris Saad.

One of the many things data-driven decision-making doesn't tell you is when people drop off your product because they just don't trust you.

Your logos, your colors, your voice, your layouts, and/or your general vibe may just be turning them off.

Maybe it's unprofessional. Maybe it's too corporate. Maybe it clearly shows a lack of attention to detail or quality execution. Maybe, just maybe, it's obvious you SUCK.

So you can spend a lot of time trying to optimize this part of the funnel and that part of the funnel - but what you really need is to take a step back and ask yourself broader questions.

Questions like...

  1. Is this whole thing good enough?

  2. Is this the right metaphor?

  3. What kind of overall story am I tellin - is it possible I'm repeating myself or not setting enough context?

  4. What end-to-end adjustments need to be made to make this experience more consistent and clear?

6 factors for raising a big round

Added on by Chris Saad.

Successfully raising a significant funding round requires the perfect alignment of various critical factors. Some of these factors are frequently overlooked:

1. Pedigree:

Background matters. Have you been affiliated with the right kind of orgs like Google, Uber, Stanford, or YC? Were you part of a startup with a successful exit? These kinds of places are known for creating and teaching the skills required to be a great product and startup builder.

Also, what makes you uniquely qualified to solve this particular problem? Sometimes referred to as Founder-problem fit.

Mitigation Strategy: Bolstering your team with a stellar advisory board can help compensate for a less notable pedigree.

2. Perceived Competence:

How strong is your personal and company brand? Do your presentation skills stand out? Are you well-versed in your key metrics? Can you impart unique domain insights or ways of thinking to investors that captivate their attention?

Mitigation Strategy: Intensive coaching and lots of practice can elevate your perceived competence.

3. Incredible Traction:

Is your product growing fast? Are you driving meaningful revenue? Do you have a unique asset that sets you distinctly apart from the competition?

4. Big Vision:

Do you have a compelling vision that makes an investor sit up and take notice? How does your initial traction turn into incredible network effects and help you break into multi-billion dollar adjacencies?

5. On-trend:

Being in sync with current trends is often key. While Generative AI is clearly the topic of the day, trends evolve and shift over time. How can you realistically and clearly draw natural connection to what you're doing?

6. Luck:

Everything in life takes a little luck. But luck is not a mystery. Luck takes "Preparation + Opportunity + Execution".

Have you done what it takes to prepare (see above), are you putting yourself in the right places where big deals happen (Silicon Valley, New York, etc), and are you executing a methodical and effective strategy for raising a serious round?

#productstrategy #fundraising #venturecapital #investing #startupsnippets #consultingconvos

R&D dysfunction typically comes down to people

Added on by Chris Saad.

Many of the dysfunctions I see in companies failing to build a high-performance R&D team can be boiled down to some combination of the following...

  1. An engineering leader that is TOO opinionated and/or too concerned with technology

  2. A product leader that is NOT opinionated enough and/or not sufficiently articulate about what they're trying to achieve and why

  3. A senior leadership team that isn't listening to their engineering or product leaders or is failing to either a) hire better people or b) get them help in the form of coaches/advisors.

You need a CPO at a scaleup and bigco

Added on by Chris Saad.

It's essential to have a cross-functional group of experienced people with clear opinions in a decision-making process.

However, a group of well-meaning peers can't solve the problem alone.

It is also essential that there is a final decision maker who is empowered to...

  1. Set vision

  2. Create & maintain a consistent set of principles & decision-making patterns

  3. Make executive decisions

  4. Hold the team accountable

This is true for almost any process - but it's particularly true for Product Strategy and Product Management. This is typically a CPO who is empowered to lead the function at the most senior level.

Without this function in a scaleup and large company, decisions will be slow and less effective (often dramatically so).

#startups #scaleups #productstrategy #productmanagement #startupsnippets

Ideal product process

Added on by Chris Saad.

Canva recently released a new product process for their product org.

It is…

  1. Vision (communicated by rough product designs)

  2. Goals

  3. Milestones (including design and user testing)

  4. Build

  5. Refine (sense check with internal team/founders… does it meet the quality bar, does it feel right)

  6. Launch

I think it’s good but not ideal.

Here’s the process I like to use to build products that create step function change.


  1. Vision in roughly right, ambitious idealized design

  2. Sense check with peers and leadership

  3. Break into thin slices/milestones

Iterative/agile build (for each milestone)

  1. Detailed design/requirements

  2. Build/polish

  3. Launch

  4. Learn

  5. Repeat

Without strategy, you get lost in incremental change. Without iterative/thin slices you get lost in development hell, disconnected from testing and market feedback for too long.

Marketing Automation malpractice

Added on by Chris Saad.

An absence of marketing automation is malpractice for any Product management/R&D process.

Every product release should include a Marketing Automation plan. This would include either the creation of new events or updates to existing events.

This also implies, of course, that Marketing Automation is not a MARKETING problem (despite the name). It's a product problem. It is a core part of the UX.

It can't be outsourced to the Marketing team or, worse, an agency.

Stop talking to your engineers!

Added on by Chris Saad.

Reminder number #42342 about maintaining a product-led culture…

At a scale-up or large company, sales, marketing, bizdev, CEO, etc should not be asking Engineering or Design to scope or build anything directly.

Scoping includes asking the question, "How hard would it be to...".

This is not a bureaucracy or control thing - it's an avoidance of chaos thing.

Design and Engineering do not have enough context to answer these questions or do this kind of ad-hoc work.

Because the question is not how hard it is to design or build something.

The question is IF we should build something, HOW we should build something (including handling edge cases, error cases, downstream implications etc), IN WHAT ORDER should we build something, and WHO will maintain it over time.

It's the job of Product Management to figure this out before it gets to Design and Engineering.

So sales, marketing, CEO-types - please talk to your friendly neighborhood PM.

Design & Engineering, please push back on these asks and loop in your PM to respond.

The Developer Platform Playbook: Canva Extend Case Study

Added on by Chris Saad.

I finally got a chance to watch the Canva extend developer platform event.

Link at the bottom of this post

Developer Platforms help you create defensibly for your business and elevate your product from a point solution to a critical part of the fabric of the Internet. It’s arguably the key reason companies and products like Facebook and the iPhone became as powerful as they are.

Based on their launch event, it is clear that Canva is running a near-perfect playbook for launching a new developer platform and ecosystem.

This includes...

  • Deep buy-in from the business

  • A deep understanding that “if you want to go far, go together.”

  • Named and branded Developer program

  • A HUGE focus on distribution and monetization for developers

  • Meaningful innovation fund to supercharge the ecosystem + flywheel

  • Standardized rails - no custom integrations

  • Two clear modalities: a) In-app discovery, provisioning, and extensibility via “Apps” b) External connections via “Connect APIs”

  • Easy to install and use SDKs with UI components and Sample Apps

  • Strong opinions on design principles

  • Awesome launch partners that clearly demonstrate key use cases

  • A big-bang launch moment to incentivize and reward launch partners and kick-start the ecosystem + flywheel

  • Developer advocates live on stage, showing code

  • A long-term commitment (years)

This is the exact playbook I was running at Uber.

It's also the playbook I've helped companies execute as part of my advisory work.

In fact, the quote they cited, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together," was written on the wall where the Uber Developer Platform team sat.

This playbook is filled with counter-intuitive decisions and is often met with religious arguments (almost allergic organ rejection) by most people inside most companies. It takes a particular experience, mindset, and culture to truly understand the value of ecosystems, flywheels, and long-term thinking.

Massive Kudos to the team. I suspect Anwar Haneef had a lot to do with what happened on stage. I'm curious about who else was the driving force behind such pitch-perfect execution.

Watch Now

Have you found religion?

Added on by Chris Saad.

I spend a lot of my time explaining to traditional business thinkers, investors, and board members the benefits of a product-led strategy that is not corrupted by the pursuit of the wrong kind of short-term revenue and sales motions.

The reactions I get can generally be bucketed into three broad categories.

  1. Skepticism and allergic reaction

  2. Convinced and excited in the moment, but then they immediately revert to old habits when they have to make hard decisions.

  3. Complete revelation and religious conversion.

It's most often the second.

It seems that some of the core tenants of the faith are...

  1. Abundance thinking - to believe that the resources and techniques exist to succeed and scale (especially capital)

  2. Conviction about the correctness, size and scale of the opportunity they've chosen to pursue - to avoid getting distracted by shiny objects along the way

  3. Confidence in themselves and/or the team - to avoid paralysis and being crushed by the demands of great execution

  4. Competence - to execute well and start seeing results

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Added on by Chris Saad.

I am so passionate about helping earnest founders with a big vision achieve their goals.

Sometimes I jump on a first call with a founder who has a genuine heartfelt need to change the world for the better. For them, it's not about money or fame or any of the other trappings of traditional success.

I love these kind of founders.

But often, these founders are the ones who make the MOST mistakes in their early startup journey.

  1. B2B when it should be B2C - Check

  2. Franchise model - Check

  3. Outsourcing the app to someone else - Check

  4. Chasing validation from media, academia, government and/or incumbents - Check

  5. Vague and ill-defined user problem - Check

  6. Building a professional services business - Check

  7. Starting in a small market - Check

On and on...

When I encounter these founders, I try very, very hard to gently but clearly and firmly redirect their energy back to the most effective path to success.

It's so important to me that all of this passion, enthusiasm, and potential isn't wasted by accidentally hitting these well-known landmines that are easily avoided.

This is why I do what I do...

If you're working on a social impact project or startup, please work with colleagues and advisors with deep experience in commercial success. While their motivations might be different, their insights into building things that engage users and scale fast are many of the same skills you need to make a social impact on the world. 

The map is not the terrain

Added on by Chris Saad.

Regular Reminder: Data is not the real world.

Staring at your Data to make decisions is like staring at the GPS navigation system to drive your car.

If your entire world was that little GPS navigation screen, you'd think the world was a 2D cartoon with no cars or children on the road.

Similariy, Data can tell you what users are doing right now - but this is just a fraction of the bigger picture. What users are currently doing is a function of their current understanding and your current product UX.

Lift your gaze, look out the windscreen! There is a real-world informed by intuition, best practices, intention, common sense, and more.

Be data-informed. Not data-driven.

When is it time to retreat and scale back?

Added on by Chris Saad.

I’ve noticed many founders retreat when they should advance and advance when they should retreat.

Big off-strategy B2B deal that will derail the company? They advance headfirst!

Running out of money? They retreat - becoming more conservative and cutting important people - instead of advancing with a more aggressive focus on their key metrics and launching into an effective process of raising capital against a big vision.

#founders #startups #startupsnippets #scaleups #fundraising #focus

Speed vs. Velocity

Added on by Chris Saad.

Increasing velocity in the wrong direction does not accelerate your path to success. It delays it.

You can't execute effectively absent good strategy.

Ensure you have brilliant thought partners to help you to set strategy and avoid landmines and dead-ends or you will quickly find yourself running quickly - in circles.

#startupsnippets #startupsuccess #startups #scale #leadership #strategy

The line between a thin, agile product iteration and a bad compromise

Added on by Chris Saad.

The line between a thin, agile product iteration and a bad compromise is hard to see and easy to screw up.

You want to avoid making compromises that set you off down the wrong path.

Equally important, avoid making compromises that actually and ultimately end up being just as hard/costly as doing it right. When measuring cost, be sure to factor in initial customer education, ongoing customer support, technical debt, and, perhaps most insidiously, future investments and cognitive drift going in the wrong direction to support the initial compromise.

Ship polished iterations that are along the correct vector towards your ideal - even if, at first, it feels like slightly more scope.

How do you feel confident when asking for big money from investors?

Added on by Chris Saad.

1. Know your value

If you have a real product that solves real problems for real users and it has growth and retention - you are already incredible.

Believe in yourself and the value of what you've created.

Even if you don't have the above, understand the value of what you've derisked in your startup and feel confident it's worth what it's worth at that given stage.

2. Know the value of other things

Remember, this is not a bank loan. It's not about how much you can afford. It's about how much your company needs to win its category. They are not lending you the money; they are BUYING part of your company.

Remember that the money you think is BIG money is NOT that big. There is basically infinite money in the world. It needs to find a home. Billionaires and millionaires spend millions in holding costs for their Yachts each year. They park money in fancy homes because they have nothing else to spend it on.

Many VC funds have 10s and 100s of millions of dollars under management. They need to deploy big cash to just a handful of companies. That's their JOB.

More than any of that - they want to fund companies to WIN. You need to ask for a credible amount to get to the next major milestone in your company. If you ask for too little, you are undermining your case - not helping it.