Product & Startup Builder

Interesting How Words Imply Judgements

Added on by Chris Saad.

Interesting how words imply judgments. You can often describe the same thing in positive and negative terms. Worse, you can think something is a strength but really it’s just holding you back from having clear boundaries or moderating a pattern of unhealthy behavior.

Selfless / Victim

Tenacious / Stubborn

Very Driven / Overly Ambitious

Caring / Emotionally Volatile

Unattached / Detached

Chilled / Incurious

Unaffected / Indifferent or apathetic

Eccentric / Crazy (depends on money) h/t Luke

Any other examples?

Originally posted on Facebook

People Don’t Know How To Drive

Added on by Chris Saad.

People don’t know how to drive. Things I’ve experienced just in the last 1 hour...

- People clustered on the “passing” lanes driving below the speed limit

- People merging into my lane just in front of me going slower than me (just over speed limit in passing lane)

- Someone cutting across multiple lanes then multiple lanes back to cut in front of me (through a small gap) - only to slam on the breaks because the car in front of me was barely a car length away.

And so much more I can’t even remember now...

It’s true what they say - most of driving is driving for other people.

Originally posted on Facebook

What Does Legacy Mean To You?

Added on by Chris Saad.

Sometimes I feel like I live my life backwards. I try to use the technique of imagining what I would want to have accomplished and how I want people to remember me on my death bed - my legacy - and then I work backwards from there.

Last night we threw a big surprise party for my dad Richard’s 60th birthday. He had no idea but we had arranged for many of his friends old and new to be there to wish him a big SURPRISE!

The part that really elevated it, though, was a kind of forrest of beautiful helium balloons that each hung a photo from his past. We also had Google home showing photos of him on the TV.

So many memories embodied in people and photos. They were each touched so positively by my father. Made better, stronger, braver, warmer. Such a beautiful legacy.

I’m proud to be his son and I hope, one day, to be able to look back and say the same thing about my life.

Also, I want to thank my amazing girlfriend Aaleah who originally had the idea to do the party and spent so much creativity and time to make it so beautiful before and during the event!

An Infinitely Renewable Resource

Added on by Chris Saad.

Yep! Love is an infinitely renewable resource.

One thing people don’t completely realize is that the amount of love you can have is endless. From a logical standpoint the more love you give to someone the less love you have for another or the more love you have for yourself the less love we have for others. In reality, it is exactly the opposite. The more love you give to someone the more love you have to give everyone else. The more love you have for yourself the more loving you of everyone around.

One thing that helped me to start experiencing what it means is dropping a time as a category. You want to see the depth and quality of your feelings, not the amount of time you spend together. If you love someone you want to give your loved ones as much time as they need to come to the similar feeling as you have for the them. The beauty is that when we don’t rush anyone they always fall in love with us too. It’s beautiful when you give love a chance to be where it has always been, in timeliness.

Originally posted on Facebook

Happy 60th Birthday!

Added on by Chris Saad.

Today I want to wish my father Richard Saad a very happy 60th birthday.

Over the last 36 years he has taught me so many important lessons about being the best I can possibly be.

By paying the exorbitant fees for my dream school, he allowed me to learn the fundamental academics needed to succeed.

By buying me my first computer and teaching me the very first lines of BASIC code before most kids had even seen such a thing, he taught me to fall in love with the possibilities of technology.

By showing me Star Trek and countless other amazing movies, he fired my imagination and taught me to dream and strive for an amazing future filled with noble and morally ambitious people.

By working his ass off to build businesses with his bare hands he taught me the spirit and hustle it takes to be an entrepreneur.

By telling me and showing me that I was safe, he gave me the confidence to follow my passion for technology and a better future without fearing failure.

By introducing me to his business colleagues and customers he opened the door for me to apply my fantasies and theories in the real world - building my confidence and my real world experience.

But most of all, through his consistent and gentle example, he taught me to be of service to others and to put my family and their well-being before anything else.

In short, I am, in large part, the result of his tireless and thoughtful love and devotion.

I dream of one day living up to his example with my own children.

Happy birthday dad, I love you more than you’ll ever know.

Things Democrats Need To Win . . .

Added on by Chris Saad.

1. New/fresh faces: Show true differentiation from old/white republicans.

2. Stand up for something: Show a real stark difference with an idealistic and progressive agenda instead of half measures.

3. Stand up for themselves: Stop apologizing and backing down at the first sign of resistance. Own their choices and their principles proudly.

4. Focus: Stop getting mad and divided at stupid little things and stay focused on the big issues that everyday people actually care about.

5. Voters that actually show up: They say America gets the president it deserves. Unfortunately, the rest of the world has to live with it too. District one citizens need to show up.

Originally posted on Facebook