Product & Startup Builder

Happy 60th Birthday!

Added on by Chris Saad.

Today I want to wish my father Richard Saad a very happy 60th birthday.

Over the last 36 years he has taught me so many important lessons about being the best I can possibly be.

By paying the exorbitant fees for my dream school, he allowed me to learn the fundamental academics needed to succeed.

By buying me my first computer and teaching me the very first lines of BASIC code before most kids had even seen such a thing, he taught me to fall in love with the possibilities of technology.

By showing me Star Trek and countless other amazing movies, he fired my imagination and taught me to dream and strive for an amazing future filled with noble and morally ambitious people.

By working his ass off to build businesses with his bare hands he taught me the spirit and hustle it takes to be an entrepreneur.

By telling me and showing me that I was safe, he gave me the confidence to follow my passion for technology and a better future without fearing failure.

By introducing me to his business colleagues and customers he opened the door for me to apply my fantasies and theories in the real world - building my confidence and my real world experience.

But most of all, through his consistent and gentle example, he taught me to be of service to others and to put my family and their well-being before anything else.

In short, I am, in large part, the result of his tireless and thoughtful love and devotion.

I dream of one day living up to his example with my own children.

Happy birthday dad, I love you more than you’ll ever know.