Product & Startup Builder

What Does Legacy Mean To You?

Added on by Chris Saad.

Sometimes I feel like I live my life backwards. I try to use the technique of imagining what I would want to have accomplished and how I want people to remember me on my death bed - my legacy - and then I work backwards from there.

Last night we threw a big surprise party for my dad Richard’s 60th birthday. He had no idea but we had arranged for many of his friends old and new to be there to wish him a big SURPRISE!

The part that really elevated it, though, was a kind of forrest of beautiful helium balloons that each hung a photo from his past. We also had Google home showing photos of him on the TV.

So many memories embodied in people and photos. They were each touched so positively by my father. Made better, stronger, braver, warmer. Such a beautiful legacy.

I’m proud to be his son and I hope, one day, to be able to look back and say the same thing about my life.

Also, I want to thank my amazing girlfriend Aaleah who originally had the idea to do the party and spent so much creativity and time to make it so beautiful before and during the event!