Product & Startup Builder

An Infinitely Renewable Resource

Added on by Chris Saad.

Yep! Love is an infinitely renewable resource.

One thing people don’t completely realize is that the amount of love you can have is endless. From a logical standpoint the more love you give to someone the less love you have for another or the more love you have for yourself the less love we have for others. In reality, it is exactly the opposite. The more love you give to someone the more love you have to give everyone else. The more love you have for yourself the more loving you of everyone around.

One thing that helped me to start experiencing what it means is dropping a time as a category. You want to see the depth and quality of your feelings, not the amount of time you spend together. If you love someone you want to give your loved ones as much time as they need to come to the similar feeling as you have for the them. The beauty is that when we don’t rush anyone they always fall in love with us too. It’s beautiful when you give love a chance to be where it has always been, in timeliness.

Originally posted on Facebook