Product & Startup Builder

Everything is dumb right now

Added on by Chris Saad.

A lot of really DUMB stuff is happening in politics and business right now.

Profoundly dumb.

Worse is all the dumb people pretending they're smart trying to explain it away like they understand some super complex counterintuitive game theory that the rest of us don’t get.

This has been getting worse and worse for about two decades.

We’re in a negative doom loop.

We can only hope that - by some miracle - the loop can be broken and we reset back to some semblance of normalcy.

However, getting out of doom loops is near impossible and may require some kind of catastrophic failure before it ends.

Just remember. There are words and there are actions. There is stated intent, and there are outcomes. There are accusations and then there are court decisions. There are principled people and then there are those that change their stance based on prevailing winds.

Always pay attention to the latter.