Ask yourself what might be fundamentally simplified and disrupted by re-thinking your entire business model from first principles.
For example:
1. Rather than partner with your customers, you might need to be disrupting them with a direct to consumer business. E.g. Netflix didn't help Blockbuster run a rent-by-mail business. They created their own B2C company and killed Blockbuster. Sometimes a B2B business seems obvious, safe, easy - but often a B2C approach can be far, far more valuable, exciting and impactful.
2. Rather than becoming a slightly more efficient company by automating traditional processes with better software, ask yourself if there's a fundamentally better, simpler approach that might now be possible thanks to shifting cultural trends and technology. E.g. Uber was only possible because the smartphone made the $100k Taxi fit-out unnecessary. Payments, tracking, meter - even security - were now possible with a device everyone carries in their pocket. Further, people were increasingly comfortable meeting people from the internet making peer-to-peer ride share possible. The cultural and technological realities had changed. A new, massively disruptive business could emerge.
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