Someone asked me whether or not I believe in 'True Love' recently... here was my 'off the top of my head' answer
- Love is like the Internet. It doesn't come from one place, it comes from many sources at the same time. You need to love yourself (first and foremost), love your job, love your family, love your friends, love many romantic relationships throughout your life and *some* of those loves will be a deeper kind of love that lasts for a longer period of time.
- There are different kinds of love, and you need to experience all of them throughout your life. Sometimes/some people need multiple kinds of love at the same time. See attached diagram.
- You're probably talking about 'True Love" as "1 romantic/sexual partner that you spend a lot of time with". You ultimately wont be happy with that person unless you also truly embrace the other kinds of love in your life because nothing can replace the love of your family or the love of yourself to fill that hole inside yourself.
- Nothing is static - relationships change and evolve. Try not to hold on too tightly.
- Love is not scarce. Try to love more people, more often. Most people experience/act from 'Fear' not 'Love' in their relationships.
- All of the above is really, really hard. Everyone struggles with it.