Product & Startup Builder

Revolution of Me: Chapter 2: Business 2.0 - Continued

Added on by Chris Saad.

As I posted earlier, I am going to be posting my book outline in parts to my blog to get feedback and Ideas - please feel free to chime in! Except from “Revolution of Me” - A book outline by Chris Saad



These changes highlight how the container known as ‘The Corporation’ is now disintegrating into individual, personal brands.

As a result, staff are increasingly working from home offices, and changing jobs more frequently. This is not necessarily a bad thing for employees who are able to find positions that keep them passionate and engaged.  It is indeed ‘The Revolution of Me’ because the individual ultimately benefits.

It can, however, become a burden on corporations as they continually try to compete not just for market share, but for the right people and talent to fulfill their HR needs.

The key, in fact, is to stop considering staff as ‘Human Resources’. They are no longer commodities. The corporation needs to redefine its role from one of an all encompassing entity to a loose affiliation of individual partners who are focused on common goal.

Corporations need to start considering staff as partners and service providers. Staff must provide quality services to the corporation, and the corporation must have clear, reciprocal value propositions for its partners.

Or partners will move on… or worse.


It’s not all bad news for Corporations though, because as partners move around, they take your message with them (as well as your corporate secrets – but that’s another story).

If you treat your partners well and they remain passionate about your message, they become evangelists.

Evangelists create more evangelists – and evangelists are free PR departments. Nothing is as powerful as a personal recommendation and an impassioned rant from a friend who tells you all about a product or service they just discovered. If markets are conversations, then Evangelists keep the conversation on topic. Hopefully your topic.

The secret for business in an increasingly personal world is really not a secret at all. It’s a basic truth. Build a great product or service and people will pay attention. Don’t – and they won’t care or will actively resist you. As many are now starting to understand, the best form of marketing is building a great product.

If however, your partners don’t feel passionate about your company and its products, then you can end up with brand atrophy on a grass roots level.

Huge marketing budgets can only stem the tide and generate so much buzz until the increasingly efficient word-of-mouth networks reveal the truth.

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