As an aspiring product-led company, whatever you think it costs to sign a deal with the wrong customer for the wrong thing (off-strategy from your product), multiply it by 10.
To figure out the full, true cost, you have to factor in…
Executive discussion/distraction costs
Contract negotiation costs
Product design costs
Product development costs
Scope thrash costs
QA costs
Maintenance costs
Iteration costs
Disintermediation cost (most bad deals involve white label or loss of data control for the startup)
Credibility cost (smart money will see these deals for what they are - massive distractions)
Opportunity costs (the biggest one)
Stop it. Focus. Build and ship products that scale
You can't get to your destination if you keep leaving the trail to investigate every noise you hear. You will run out of food and daylight - if you don't fall off a cliff first.