Product & Startup Builder

Are you going to be the victim or victor of disruption?

Added on by Chris Saad.

So, imagine you're the CEO or CTO of an important tech company, and you've just been hit with a controversial question.

A great example in the video below is a question for the CTO of Microsoft stated something like this:

"Is AI violating copyright and how do we make sure creators get paid for their work",

Here's the playbook for how to dodge and weave like a pro...

1. The Art of Platitudes

Tactic: Preach from the Mount of High Ideals

Example: "We believe in compensating artists and creators for their work. We'd never want to marginalize the little guy."

Translation: Look, we read the room and know what sounds good. Brownie points, anyone?

2. Techno-Babble to the Rescue

Tactic: Bury them in jargon

Example: "The AI's natural language models employ non-deterministic polynomial algorithms that generate heuristic approximations, not direct replications of copyrighted material."

Translation: We're going to baffle you with BS until you forget what you asked.

3. The Morass of Complexity Card

Tactic: Wave the "It's Complicated" Flag

Example: "This is a complex issue requiring multidisciplinary discourse among technologists, ethicists, and legislators."

Translation: We’re going to buy ourselves time with complicated and pointless debates until it's too late and we've won

4. Win

Tactic: Buy time for the real truth to play out

Example: Massive disruption and reshuffling of economic incentives and models reallocating wealth and power to technology companies.

Translation: Just hold tight; we're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and you might get a better view.


Remember: As a founder, executive or ambitious person in the world: The question you should be asking is not, "How do we protect the status quo". Instead, the question to ask yourself is, are you the source (and/or beneficiary) of disruption or the victim of it?

This is one of the most important reasons why acting in inefficient and ineffective ways in your company is so destructive, self-defeating, and profoundly costly: It slows or mitigates your path to true scale and disruption - making YOU vulnerable to disruption instead.

Inspired by the video below

#startups #scaleups #disruption #getmoving #efficientexecution #hustle #cantputthegeniebackinthebottle