Product & Startup Builder

Lessons Re(learned)

Added on by Chris Saad.

Some things I have learned, relearned or reenforced lately. Some of it talking with my bro Mitchell, Nik Ashley Julia and others

- Default to “yes and...”.

- Find creative ways to capture opportunities and avoid closing doors unless you have to

- If someone (particularly a mentor) is telling you something that sounds crazy then consider that all new ways of thinking at first seems crazy/wrong. Even if you decide to reject their advice consider how the core of their POV might strengthen yours if adopted correctly

- You choose how others treat you and how much you’re worth. The world is very, very big and abundant. There are the right people (potential bosses and peers) and opportunities (jobs, work) to give you exactly what you need if you hustle

- Your brain is probably wired to do the opposite of these things. It takes a lot of intentional effort to avoid falling into sub-optimal behavior/thinking

Originally posted on Facebook