Product & Startup Builder

Things I Wanted From A Partner

Added on by Chris Saad.

While growing up, I developed these mental lists of the things I wanted from a partner (as I suspect we all do). As part of this process I had a vague notion that I hoped she would get along with my family and/or that my family would “approve” of her.

Honestly, though, it never seemed as important as all the selfish and superficial things one cares about when they're young. It was maybe 5th or 10th in the list of things that “mattered”.

However now, seeing how amazing my beautiful wife is with my mother, father, brother and step father (and extended family), I can’t imagine how or why it wasn’t the first thing on my list.

I love how, from the moment she met my dad, she gave him a big hug and her trademark room-brightening smile - effortlessly making him fall in love with her.

I love how the moment she connected with my mum on Facebook, they’ve become mother and daughter - swapping stories and advice in a way that happily rivals my own relationship with my mum.

I love how she’s become the spark that makes our family backchannel fun and filled with cute emojis and family pics.

I love you Aliya. And my family loves you. I can’t believe how important that has turned out to be to me, and how happy that makes me.