Product & Startup Builder

It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It

Added on by Chris Saad.

Some of my earliest memories are of my mother saying to me "It's not what you say, Chris, it's how you say it".

As a child, I could often say things in a harsh or biting way. I guess, in some ways, I felt like if what I was saying was accurate and clever then I should be allow to say whatever I wanted to whoever I wanted - consequences be damned.

Needless to say, it got me in a lot of hot water with my parents.

To my mother and father's credit, though, they would always take the time to remind me that they only objected to my tone or framing rather than the veracity of my facts/perceptive, my desire to express my opinion and my efforts to shape the world around me.

Just now I was reminded of how much my life, and my career, has been shaped by my mastery (or not) of this lesson and skill.

I feel like most of my evolution as a competent entrepreneur, operator and adult has been rooted in maturing the way I communicate the ideas in my head.

I really think that any growth in my success has mirrored improvements in how effectively I say the things I want to say. The same can be said for many of my failures.

Not so much WHAT I say, but HOW I say it.

Thanks Mum and Dad!

Originally posted on Facebook