Product & Startup Builder

Teta Saad

Added on by Chris Saad.

Last night my Grandmother on my father's side passed away quietly in her sleep.

She was one of the most gentle souls I've ever encountered.

Sadly we didn't live in the same city growing up so I saw her all too rarely.

I'll never forget how, one visit when I was very young, she wanted to give me a kiss on the cheek but I wouldn't let her. I'm not sure the reason now. I know it's hard to imagine, but I was a stubborn kid.

So instead of using brute force she said she'd get me a toy if I let her give me just 1 soft kiss on the cheek.

A whole toy!? I reluctantly had to give in to her bribery.

I'm so glad I did. Her kiss was so gentle and loving.

Ever since that day, I relished every opportunity to give her slight frame a big hug and many, many kisses.

She raised loving and kind children and has left a wonderful legacy of vibrant grandchildren, daughters-in-law and soon some great-grandchildren.

She taught me that speaking softly and being kind can be a superpower.

I'll miss you terribly Teta Saad.