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GOT Finale Spoilers

Added on by Chris Saad.

**GOT spoilers**

Game of Thrones last night was mind blowing. 10s of minutes of heartbreaking carnage and character betrayal without the comfort of music or other typical adornments that remind us it’s “just a TV show”.

I think the ultimate moral of the story of GoT will be to reveal to us how easily we, as an audience or an electorate, can be convinced...

1. To root for a wannabe dictator

2. That the bad guys are actually the good guys.

The fact is that Daenerys has never been a good person.

Her goals have never been benign. She has always wanted to be the undisputed ruler of the land. She’s wanted absolute power and along the way she’s been happy to summarily execute her enemies with glee.

And yet we rooted for her anyway because she was beautiful and powerful and we were manipulated to empathize with her cause.


Well last night we saw what it looks like when unchecked power reigns down from the sky and a superpower can do whatever it/she wants.

In reality no one should sit on the iron throne and all power needs checks and balances.

The answer should be true democracy and accountability.


More of these kind of perspective shifts need to happen in the real world about real issues.

Originally posted on Facebook