Product & Startup Builder

Uber IPO

Added on by Chris Saad.

Today is the Uber IPO.

It’s exciting and been a long time coming.

However, for me, working in Silicon Valley generally and at Uber specifically has never been about money.

It’s always been about impact and the chance to learn and grow. It’s been about living my best life and living up to my own potential.

And boy did I learn and grow at Uber. It was the hardest and most thrilling time in my life.

I’m glad all the employees who hustled so hard can soon access their monetary rewards, but for my part I’m most grateful for having worked with amazing people who taught me so much.

I won’t be able to name everyone but shoutouts must go to TravisAdamBobJahanYuhkiCharlynAlexAlexYuanzongBenManikJayJoeHilaryJamesDiegoTyJohnDevin and anyone on the Dev Platform team.

Uber on!