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Injustice And Ignorance

Added on by Chris Saad.

You know what frustrates me no end? Injustice, ignorance and surface-level analysis that misses the point. Here are just a few examples...

1. Bernie Sanders - unlike any other politician - is consistent and prescient for 20 years. He finally gets his message to break through into the popular zeitgeist and spawns a generation of young, successful democrats. Along the way he finally makes a little money selling a book on the topic so, instead of hailing him a hero, people and the media fixate on his bank account and call him a hypocrite. So frustrating.

2. After creating a generation of scared, irrational and uneducated people resulting from decades of under-education in schools, misinformation from fox and desperation from a lack of healthcare and economic security we blame social media for the public discourse instead of the true root causes. So frustrating.

3. In the face of Trumpism, liberals are still eating their young when it comes to ideological purity instead of hailing any decent, progressive candidate as a force for good in the war to save democracy. So frustrating.

Any other examples that drive you crazy?

Originally posted on Facebook