Product & Startup Builder

Stuff vs. Experiences

Added on by Chris Saad.

On the debate over “stuff” vs “experiences”:

 Life isn’t about stuff OR experiences. These things facilitate each other.

 I’ve had some of the most amazing experiences because of my “stuff”. Hosted exciting gatherings in my apartment. Enjoyed emotional stories on my TV. Had exhilarating rides in my car.

 Each of those experiences was shared with people - resulting in meeting new people or creating deeper relationships.

 So while there are pure experiences facilitated by services (e.g airline travel to hotels), “stuff” is often a very direct means by which we have experiences and meaningful relationships with other people.

 In fact, I usually buy “stuff” based almost entirely on an analysis of how it can make my day-to-day experience more productive or create shared experiences for my friends and family.

 Being an aspiring minimalist, I also donate or throw stuff out based on the same analysis.

The key, of course, is to place the emphasis where it belongs - not on the stuff, but on the experiences and people facilitated by the stuff. Because if you’re not careful, stuff can own you - instead of the other way around. That’s why I try to share everything with my loved ones - both in person and online.

Originally posted on Facebook