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Obstruction of Justice

Added on by Chris Saad.

JFYI for those who believe there can’t be obstruction without an underlying crime:

There are plenty of ways and reasons there can be obstruction of justice without the underlying investigation proving the crime.

Obstruction of Justice is, in and of itself, a separate crime.

There are also many reasons why one might commit such a crime (as Trump did in plain sight).

Some examples

1. He might have thought that what he or his people did with Russia WAS criminal (even though Mueller ultimately decided he couldn’t prove that).

2. Maybe it WAS criminal but the obstruction made it impossible to Prove.

3. Maybe they were trying to cover up other crimes.

4. Maybe he was just doing it because he’s a psychopath.

In any case, lying to the FBI and witness intimidation is a crime. Even if the investigation you’re screwing with turns up nothing.

Otherwise, as a criminal, all you have to do is obstruct well enough to ensure your crime doesn’t get proven.

That’s how the law works contrary to the proclamations of his stooge Barr.

Originally posted on Facebook