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Modern Star Trek Problems

Added on by Chris Saad.

The problem with modern Star Trek is that the people running it, don’t get it.

Star Trek is not about the plot/mystery. It’s about the parable. It’s about an ethical knot that needs to be untangled or a character’s perspective that needs to be explored or updated.

Star Trek isn’t about 1 character (I.e Michael), it’s about a trinity or family of people who combine their skills.

Star Trek isn’t about a group of people with interpersonal problems - it’s about a group of amazing, highly competent people working together to effectively achieve important things. It’s about how they overcome the rigidity of the Starfleet hierarchy to become a family.

Star Trek isn’t about action, it’s about discussion. It isn’t about a moving camera and solving problems with fights and phasers. It’s about using logic and conversation to untangle complicated ethical quandaries and differences in perspective.

Star Trek isn’t about treating the audience like idiots who aren’t paying a lot of attention (therefore requiring constant exposition dumps) but rather about trusting the audience to use their intellect to piece together the situation and the rules of the universe.

Edit: Star Trek didn’t need to be saved by Social Justice Warriors. It has always featured diverse casts of strong men, women, and aliens.

I’m not upset that everything looks different, or that things don’t line up with cannon. I’m upset that the spirit of the show is completely lost.

I’m not upset about “just a TV show” - I’m upset that something that has been culturally important (and is needed now more than ever) is being wasted/diluted for no good reason.

Originally posted on Facebook