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A Plurality Actually Love Him

Added on by Chris Saad.

I think everyone has put way too much emphasis on the Mueller investigation when Trump’s corruption, high crimes and misdemeanors are being done in plain sight.

He admitted, on TV, to firing Comey because of the Russia investigation. Then he invited Russians to the oval office and gloated about it.

He’s undermined the investigation (and faith in democratic institutions) and tampered with witnesses for the last two years with endless streams of Tweets, bullying, political pressure and even firings. And that’s only what we’ve seen in public.

He’s already been named in public indictments as “individual 1” and as an unindicted co-conspirator.

What else do the American people need to rise up? What else does the spineless congress need to impeach?

They won’t even rebuke his desecration of a dead war hero or the abuse of a gold star family - clearly immoral actions that anyone with a brain can see as disgusting and corrosive. So how can we believe they would act to redress abstract machinations from years ago?

The Democrats have already said that impeachment is probably not appropriate. What’s worse, is they might not even be wrong. Trumps political ideology needs to be thoroughly rebuked at the ballot box by the American electorate.

Unfortunately, though, a plurality of them actually love him. And, that, my friends, is the real tragedy here.