Product & Startup Builder

2 Kinds of Luck

Added on by Chris Saad.

I was just discussing the question of “How big a role does luck play in success?” with Ashley Angell.

For me, there are two kinds of luck.

1. Blind luck:

 This is the kind of luck that you can’t control. Where are you were born, how much money your family has, how healthy you are, your IQ, most types of illnesses you or your loved ones might develop during the course of your life, etc.

2. Intentional luck:

 This is everything else that happens in life. This is preparation + opportunity + execution. This is the kind of luck you CAN control. Because opportunities happen every day and in many forms. They often present as hard work, uncomfortable or risky - so they are usually avoided instead of embraced. Therefore It often takes a leap of imagination to notice, catch and convert opportunities into value creation for ones self and their family. These are the “lucky” people.

How do you think about the relationship between luck and success?

Originally posted on Facebook