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The Border Wall Argument

Added on by Chris Saad.

The border wall argument is a wonderful microcosm and symbol of the bigger problems in American society and politics. It’s fitting that it’s become the issue that the political class are risking the future of their careers and parties on.

As usual, the Republican Party is making up a giant lie designed to manufacture consent; Namely, that people are flooding the southern border on foot and we need a giant wall to stop it.

Actually, this is three lies.

1. That there’s a flood of people coming by land over the southern border

2. That illegal immigration is a pressing emergency and net negative to the country and .

3. A wall is the most effective way to stop them.

These lies are based on a number of simple, incorrect concepts:

1. Scarcity: More for you means less for me

2. Manifest destiny: America is for white people who can all become rich by pulling themselves up from their bootstraps

3. Faith/optics: Symbols are more important than solutions

4. Legacy thinking: Archaic forms of problem solving

5. Fear based politics: You can sell the American people anything if you just make them scared or angry enough (this one is true though)

These are many of the same, tired sponsoring thoughts that Republicans base all their policies and behaviors on. Issues like trickle down economics, supporting coal and gas, “family values” etc etc.

The only difference here, though, is that Trump and his enablers have no shame, no pretense and no empathy and the Democrats have finally grown some balls to say enough is enough.

What I can’t quite figure out, though, is where

the money is. Usually Republican policies involve a way for special interests to get richer/more powerful. I’m not sure what the upside is here. Anyone?

Originally posted on Facebook