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The Ekka is Coming Up

Added on by Chris Saad.

The Ekka is coming up. For those that didn't grow up in Brisbane, it's this weird multi-day event for kids where there's rides, food, and showbags. Showbags are (were?) these plastic bags from various brands/themes packed with crap kids love: candy, cheap toys etc (at least that's how it was when I was a kid - has it changed?)

I remember one year when I was quite young I desperately wanted to go so bad, but I couldn't for some reason (I can't remember what it was).

So somehow my mum got me like 10-15 of the best showbags and piled them into my room overnight. I woke up with them all there. It was like Christmas morning.

She is so awesome

Thanks to Mark for reminding me of this memory and Maggie for giving it to me.

Originally posted on Facebook