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“Do you support open national borders or do you support strict national borders”

Added on by Guest User.

Saw this image/screenshot in my feed just now.

“Do you support open national borders or do you support strict national borders”

This is how the national debate is being framed in the US right now.

What a lie. On every level.

These are not the actual options being debated.

The real debate is...

“Do you support a rational immigration policy that vets and funnels people with a measure of empathy and dignity OR do you support building an ineffective physical wall (instead of using high-tech and recognizing that most illegal immigrants fly into the country), broadly painting countries as shit-holes and people as rapists and murders and separating them from their children at the border”.

That’s the actual position of the people on both sides. That’s the actual debate going on. One side arguing for reason and the other side arguing for cruelty and ineffective stupidity.

Also, immigration isn’t even a top 5 problem in the US. It’s healthcare, education, political corruption, polarization, automation, spiraling debt and deficit, total lack effective social safety nets, crumbling infrastructure, and so many other things. To say nothing of the problem with the president and his countless investigations.

And yet somehow the media, the pundits and the people debate this straw-man fake argument instead.

Boggles the mind
