Product & Startup Builder

Saying Goodbye to 2018

Added on by Chris Saad.

It’s been year of recalibration, rebalancing and reframing.

When I landed in Australia from Silicon Valley over a year ago, I was a very different man.

My brain was going a million miles an hour. My anticipation about what I wanted to do next was high. My expectations about who or what I was were hardened and immutable. I was alone.

Now, looking back, things have changed so much.

I’m spending more time in the moment - driving cars and enjoying sunshine. I’m much calmer about what comes next. My ideas about who and what I am - and what I want to be next - are much more malleable. I am no longer alone.

None of my individual character traits and focus areas, by themselves, has been radically changed. Each, in turn, has simply been softened and rebalanced a little. Collectively, though, I think this has made me a more well rounded and content human being.

Being in your home town is so different than being in a far away company town like San Francisco.

On a personal level: Where once I had no real/mandatory dependents (liberating but also isolating), I now have so many more family obligations (demanding but also gratifying) - Birthdays, Christmases, lunches. Where once I had nothing but work and attempting to decompress over the weekend with YouTube/Netflix, now I have time to relax, travel, think, and decide what I want to do next. I have time for more hobbies and more adventures.

On a professional level: Where once I would throw everything I had into one thing, now I have the luxury to do many things. I get to work on a wide range of companies and opportunities. I get to work from anywhere I want in the world. I get to help people avoid the mistakes I’ve made and fast forward to exciting futures! Nothing beats the feeling of seeing a founder’s eyes light up when you change the trajectory of their thinking and/or their company. (plug: I have some spots open for next year! Drop me a line)

I thought I’d experience a great deal of FOMO. In some ways I have - but not about being closer to the action. Rather it’s been about wanting to soak up more amazing experiences around the world. Beaches, driving roads, villas and views. There’s so much amazing life to live.

I’m so grateful for this year. I’m so grateful for the people who’ve been part of it and made it possible.

I know that next year is going to be even more exciting as I flex these new found muscles even more.

I also look forward to transitioning more from lone warrior to partner in crime.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Originally posted on Facebook