Product & Startup Builder

Things My Family Taught Me

Added on by Chris Saad.

Been talking about the way our families and cultures affect our behavior, capacity for risk and more. Remembering that my family (Maggie, Richard and Mitchell) have given me many gifts and behaviors that I take for granted.

Things my family taught me (either explicitly or by example) that seem non-uniform include...

- You can take risks and be whoever you want to be. You always have a safety net. You can come live at home at any time. We love you no matter what.

- Always get up to pay first. Sacrifice your money not your honor/dignity. Be generous and kind.

- Truth and rational thinking is paramount. Find it, spread it, fight for it.

- Entrepreneurship is the way to impact the world and earn a living. Work to manifest your own vision in the world

- Home is a place for friends and family to gather to share special experiences. Movie nights, pool parities, holidays.

- Relationships can end, and that's ok. What matters is that you're as kind as possible on the way out, remember/hold on to the love and remain friends.

- The kids come first. When budgeting, figuring out where to move or what to do, the kids must be offered every opportunity to get a stable, empowered and fulfilling childhood.

- Don't be cheap on quality food. Don't have scarcity when it comes to snacks and sweets either. My parents never ordered chicken nuggets off the kids menu for me - they let me order the steak and the lobster even if I could never finish it. My mother always had the fridge filled with fun sized candy. The lack of scarcity made it a "sometimes food" without any rules.

Originally posted on Facebook