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Star Trek: Carrie Fisher

Added on by Chris Saad.

Growing up I was more of a Star Trek fan than a Star Wars fan, so I felt more impacted by Leonard Nino's passing than Carrie Fisher. Also by Robin Williams.

But I watch John's movie show every week day and he and his crew have greatly expanded my appreciation of Star Wars. This reaction video is how I felt about Nimo and Williams. He's always so articulate and insightful. He's also so passionate.

We live with some of these performers. Their work changes us. It's right to celebrate their lives and mourn their loss.

Also, if you love movies/tv and don't watch collider movie talk, you should. Most of these shows are slow and meandering. And they typically play a game of "let's not show we care too much". Collider movie talk is different. It's like catching up on movie news with friends who are fun, friendly and not afraid to show their passion.

Cc Ashley Mitchell John Marcello