Some 10 years ago I came to SF/Bay area for the first time. There were a few very visible people who were blogging and posting videos that I really looked up to and was eager to meet.
When I met them, though, many of them let me down or didn't have the time of day for me. Understandable right?
When I first met Robert he was racing from one side of a crowded room to another to meet up with someone. I managed to catch his eye to try to say hi. He had no idea who I was. He had no reason to. He was super busy. Everyone was trying to get his attention.
But rather than give me a wave and keep running by; he stopped, squared up, looked at me properly and said hi and gave me lots of his time. Once he had made a real effort to make a real connection. He then ran off to meet the person he actually wanted to meet.
He was amongst those few people who really lived up to his online persona - a man of the people. He also taught me something that day... how to be a great person even when you're swamped. I think of that experience every time I feel too busy to meet someone new.
Since then, I've had the pleasure to develop a friendship with Robert and he has continued to lead by example sharing his very personal, flawed and sometimes epicly cool adventure with all of us. I also dearly love his wife Maryam. Wonderful, wonderful people.
Happy Birthday SCOBLEIZER. You're a true legend and you are properly loved by a lot of people. I'm sorry I couldn't make your birthday celebration but I know that, as usual, you made it a lot of fun for everyone *else* - and that's what makes you truly special!
Love you my friend!