Product & Startup Builder

What is my strategic advisory work all about?

Added on by Chris Saad.

Someone just asked me my target market, what I do, and what my business super power is. Here’s my quick answer...

Targe market: startup founders and enterprise execs looking to drive disruption in their company and in some fundamental aspect of the world.

What do you do: I’ve built and run venture backed tech startups, brands, products and ecosystems for 20+ years. Inc a decade in Silicon Valley. Helped build part of Uber and worked with all the big disrupters.

Now I’m semi-retired. I work with companies as a fractional exec/advisor - helping them avoid costly mistakes and wasted time. I help them to fast-forward to the best ideas as quickly as possible. All from a Silicon Valley, tech, product, hyper growth POV.

What is your superpower: I am able to understand a business and it’s challenges lightening fast (typically 15 mins) and work at every level (super high level strategy all the way down to pixel level detail) to course correct the trajectory and bend the ambition, quality of execution and speed up and to the right.