Product & Startup Builder

How can you help a larger enterprise?

Added on by Chris Saad.

Someone just asked me "Which companies/industries do you think could best leverage your expertise"

My answer... Any company and industry that wants to be the source of disruption rather than the victim of it.

To expand a little more...

It's a truism to say "software is eating the world" (changing business models, driving operational efficiencies and disrupting legacy companies across the board). Therefore the companies that not only survive but thrive must learn how to be world-class software companies.

My role with larger enterprises is to help them understand how to build a software-first business.

Crucially, this doesn't mean just creating another app or website. It means rethinking their operations, pricing, business model, vendor relationships, customer experience and more to drive out inefficiencies and drive up scalability using software.

Not just any software though; software that is built using agile processes, with beautiful, human user interfaces that include habit-forming features and viral mechanics.