Product & Startup Builder

My Greatest Strengths and Weaknesses

Added on by Chris Saad.

Still true?

I think/hope that one of my greatest strengths is that sometimes (not always) I am good at learning and adapting from all available information (even information that seems totally unrelated) and trying to tunnel that deep into my core patterns and beliefs. To try to break old patterns (or at least recognize them) and learn, grow, change and optimize. To resist unconsciously fighting change when I think new information 'sounds' wrong or unrelated to me. To recognize that the things I 'hate' in others are actually things I'm rejecting in myself.

I don't always succeed but sometimes I get bright shining moments where it all clicks and I feel a change.

One of my biggest weaknesses is that I compress all time in the future into the present and over compensate, over engineer and over complicate things. This also results in a great deal of anxiety. I also spend a lot of time in the past re-litigating and trying to suck the marrow out of past events to process for lessons learned (see first part of this). This also means I can often miss steps along the process which undermines the outcomes or alienates/looses touch with people along the way. In short, I don't spend enough time in the present listening to the universe in that moment.

Originally posted on Facebook