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eBook: The Leadership Lens: Part 01 - Character Traits

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eBook: The Leadership Lens: Part 01 - Character Traits


The playbook for being an intentional and impactful leader.

The Leadership Lens is a multi-part series - each part will focus on a different aspect of leaders and leadership.

In Part 01, we will discuss the stark differences between how most people think about core character traits and how leaders do.

Including actionable insights into how leaders…

  • Explicitly set their intention to think and act more effectively.

  • Carefully ask the right questions to learn and adapt quickly.

  • Cut through all but the most justified and immutable constraints to achieve their goals.

  • Avoid falling into victim mentality to ensure they never abandon their agency.

  • Cut through personal bias to develop an objective understanding of the world.

  • Listen carefully to hear the hidden meaning behind what people say.

  • Communicate clearly to influence the people and circumstances in their life.

  • Proactively increase their luck through simple techniques to take advantage of more opportunities in life.

  • Actively develop their wisdom through practical techniques to improve their decision making. their decision making.

Learn more about the series at

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